jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021


Hello my readers!

Welcome back to my blog!!! 

This week we start a new register, where we will learn many interesting topics that will help us to improve our compositions. In this time we learned new types of essays, the cause and effect essays and two new methods that we help us to create our outline. FOCUS-ON-CAUSES METHOD and FOCUS-ON-EFFECTS METHOD.

For this week, we will work with both methods. So here is my short part of my cause and effect essays.


1. Narrowing

    Topic: The causes of divorce

    Specific: Why do parents get divorced?

2. Prewriting technique


        - Infidelity and jealousy

        - Lack of communication between them

        - Constant fights

        - Bad economy

        - Crisis (lack of employment)

        - Repressed emotions

        - Sometimes they fall in love with other people

        - Lack of compromise

        - Incompatibility

3. Thesis statement:

Nowadays many couples are getting divorce for differents reasons, those include: Personal problems, Lack of love between couple and Social factors.

4. Outline


-       Thesis statement

-       Background, my opinion about divorce

-       Why they do that?


P1- Personal problems.

-       Infidelity and jealousy

-       Lack of communication between them.

-       Constant fights

P2- Lack of love between couple.

-       Repressed emotions

-       Sometimes they fall in love with other people

-       Lack of compromiso

-       Incompatibility

P3- Social factors

-       Bad economy

-       Crisis (lack of employment)


Our parents get divorce for many reasons why sometimes we do not understand or do not know, but what we do know is that they do it because they do no longer love each other or because there is no longer that spark in them that motivated them in a moment to take that step.


1. Narrowing

    Topic: Stress impact on health

    Specific: How stress can affect your body health?

2. Prewriting technique


        - Sleep problems

        - Headache

        - Fatigue

        - Muscle tension or pain

        - Exercising less often

        - Angry outbursts

        - Drug or alcohol misuse

        - Lack ofmotivation or focus

        - Anxiety

        - Sadness or depresion

3. Thesis statement:

Most people are unaware of how stress can bring them closer to death.

4. Outline


-       Thesis statement

-       My opinion and experience about Stress


P1- How it affect your body.

-       Most of them suffer of fatigue and have some sleeping problems

-       People must of the time suffer from headache and muscle tension or pain

P2- How it affect on your behaviour

-       Exercising les often

-       Angry outbursts

-       Drug or alcohol misuse

P3- How it affect your mood

-       Lack of motivation or focus and or depression in most of the people

-       It cause anxiety


            As we know Stress is a natural and mental reaction that we have all gone through at some point in our life, but with help of some healthy techniques we can manage the stress that we accumulate in a given time. 


2 comentarios:

Concluding entry

 Hello my readers!!! Welcome to our last blog!!! Hello my readers, as you may know this is the final entry of this blog and likewise of the ...