miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2021

Concluding entry

 Hello my readers!!!

Welcome to our last blog!!!

Hello my readers, as you may know this is the final entry of this blog and likewise of the semester, I have no words to express and thank you for all your support in reading my compositions and blog entries, and likewise to Miss Brendaly for all the support and knowledge that she gave us throughout this learning process, I know it is not easy to review and rate so many compositions, but if done with love and dedication to work, everything is done in the best way.

In this semester we know that we learned a lot about English Composition II, from creating advertisements and magazines to creating cause and effect essays, and we also learned steps to create compositions such as: Narrowing, new pre-writing techniques, the outline, Draft which includes editing, revising and proofreading , words that help us to express our ideas clearly, etc. We also learn how to create a thesis statement for cause and effect essays.

The learning acquired was essential and important for our future profession, I know that it will help us a lot for it, with this I learned to express myself better for the people who read my compositions and it also helped me to enlarge my knowledge with new vocabulary, the experience with this subject was incredible and I have no words to express all that I learned and we learned during this semester.

I Hope to see you soon :)

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2021


 Hello my readers!!!

Welcome back to my blog!

For this week we have to create an effect essay for our second evaluation of the third register, with the general topic: "Sport on people since a young age" And we make it more specific, for this evaluation we need to make our activity complete again, so here you have my final composition. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


1. Narrowing

    General: Sport on people since a young age.

    Specific: Why do people prefer soccer as a sport since a young age?

2. Prewriting technque


    -  Improves cardiovascular health

    - Reduce body fat

    - Strengthens bones

    - Popularity

    - Better paid

    - Support

    - Helps to distract yourself

    - Remove stress

3.   Thesis statement:

Most kids and young people choose this sport because they derive immense benefits from playing soccer in regards to your physique and fitness, it also in your emotional and mental well-being.

4   4. Outline:


-          Thesis statement

-          Facts about soccer

-          My opinion about soccer


             P1- It benefits our body

-          Improves cardiovascular health

-          Reduce body fat

-          Strengthens bones

P2- Because it is better than any other sport 

-          Popularity

-          Better paid

-          Support.

P3- It benefit your mood

-          Helps to distract yourself

-          Remove stress

-          Builds self-confidence in those who practice it


To sum up, soccer despite being a sport that benefits the body and our state of mind, requires game strategies so it involves the structuring of plays and other techniques required, in general I could say that soccer is a very recognized sport worldwide and I recommend children and young people to practice it.          

3.      5. Draft (editing, revising and proofreading)

3.       6 . Final composition 


Why do people prefer soccer as a sport since a young age?

At what age can I start practicing soccer? Is often a recurring question asked by young people. However, there are studies that indicate that the best age to start practicing a sport is between 9 and 10 years old, since the child begins to acquire the necessary skills to practice the sport. Therefore most kids and young people choose this sport because they derive immense benefits from playing soccer in regards to their physique and fitness, as well as your emotional and mental well-being. This sport is one of the most popular and recognized all over the world by the different teams known today, such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, Juventus, etc. Nowadays soccer is chosen as the best sport ever for different reasons.

First of all, it benefits our body. Soccer is one of the best sports that helps the body in different ways: helps to improve cardiovascular health, one of the best exercises for the heart is running, which is why soccer is on the list of sports that promote cardiovascular health. Also helps to reduce body fat, because of the intense activities that are performed such as running, jumping,etc. Bones are also strengthened by the practice of soccer when performing some high intensity activities, therefore our body also tends to gain shape. Personally I consider that this sport helps and benefits our whole body in a great way.

Second, Because it is better than any other sport, every fan and lover of soccer will confirm this point, since the passion that is experienced in a soccer game does not compare with anything. Popularity, nowadays soccer is becoming more famous because of the World Cup, where all the countries fight to qualify and where the best soccer players from all over the world participate, this makes young people decide to practice this sport at a young age. Better paid, this is another thing that people see before practicing a sport, as we know, sports in general are very well paid especially soccer, we can see that the great soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi earn millions to practice this sport, and that is why many young people choose to practice this sport. In addition, this sport has a lot of support from many well-known brands that sponsor these teams and even carry out leagues or world championships. I think soccer is one of the most influential sports and undoubtedly one of the best in the world.

Last but not least, It benefits your mood. Undoubtedly, soccer improves your overall mood and makes you feel better. It also helps to distract yourself, which is something that everyone who practices this sport enjoys a lot and forgets everythings for that moment. It removes stress, as well as depression and anxiety, this sport helps in a great way because most of those who practice this sport tend to carry a lot of stress, so they tend to eliminate these moods to exercise and perform their practices. And builds self-confidence in those who practice it. This sport can help improve self-confidence as well as team players, to achieve personal and group goals and to better develop their skills, and it can also help to increase self-esteem.

To sum up, soccer despite being a sport that benefits the body and our state of mind, requires game strategies so it involves the structuring of plays and other techniques required, in general I could say that soccer is a very recognized sport worldwide and I recommend children and young people to practice it.


jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021


 Hello my readers!!

Welcome Back to my blog !!🤗🤗🤗

For this week we have to create a cause essay for our first evaluation of the third register, with the general topic: "Why do people find ASMR (autonomic sensory meridian response) YouTube videos comforting?" And we make it more specific, the only difference for this activity is that we had to make our activity complete, that is with the following points:

1. Narrowing

2. Prewriting technique

3. Thesis statement

4. Outline

5. Draft (editing, revising and proofreading)

6. Final composition

So here is my final composition. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it


1. Narrowing

General: "Why do people find ASMR (autonomic sensory meridian response) YouTube videos comforting?" 

Specific: Why do people decide watching ASMR videos on Youtube?

2. Prewriting technique


    - Stimulates the body

    - Facilitates meditation

    - It helps to sleep

    - Relieve stress

    - People see it because is has anything to do 

    - Lack of interaction between people

3. Thesis statement:

Nowadays many people watch ASMR videos on Youtube for differents reasons, amoung them we have: To relax, To avoid sleeplessness and Boredom.

4. Outline


-          Thesis statement

-          Facts about why people find ASMR videos relaxing

-          My opinion about ASMR videos


P1- To relax

-          Many people tend to feel stimulation in their body.


-       It helps to have a better meditation facility.


P2-   To avoid sleeplessness


-          IT helps to sleep.


-          Helps to relieve stress.


P3- Lack of education or knowledge

-          People see it because it has anything to do.

-          Lack of interaction between people



To sum up, this type of video helps us a lot in different ways by its soft sounds, different sounds with the mouth and whispers that can cause an effect of relaxation to the body and so feel at the time of listening and also gives a false sense of personal attention.

5. Draft (editing, revising and proofreading)

6. Final composition

Why do people decide watching ASMR videos on Youtube?

Have you ever thought how to get rid of stress or get bored? Nowadays many people have opted to watch videos on Youtube the famous ASMR, this type of video has become popular for its great impact it has given today. According to Cline a 2015 study shows a large number of men and women who watch these videos for the following reasons 98% did it to relax, 82% with the idea of fighting insomnia and another 82% also to get rid of stress. This time you can not only watch videos on Youtube you can listen to music, watch makeup tutorials or kill time as they say. This kind of videos are the ones you will find trending, because they are gaining a lot of being widely liked due to the experiences you can acquire when you watch or listen to them. Nowadays many people watch ARSM videos on Youtube for different reasons, among them we have: To relax, To avoid sleeplessness and Boredom.

Watching videos on Youtube causes a good feeling in all people especially when they watch or listen to ASMR videos, First of all they do it to relax, this is something that you can always get to feel when listening to these types of videos, relaxation is an essential part that our body needs on certain occasions therefore, we choose to stimulate our body through visualization by these trends as are the tingling that can be perceived around our body as in the spine, our hands, etc. And it can also help us to have a better facility for meditation, which gives us a sense of calm and inner peace and can also help reduce negative emotions. Personally these types of videos help me to relax a lot and, on the one hand, to concentrate better.

Second, to avoid sleeplessness, sleep problems can affect our daily life by preventing us from sleeping at night, so many people seek various options to fall asleep, and one of them are the ASMR videos, they can help us sleep and thus avoid some diseases that can arise in our body over time by not sleeping the right time.  And it also helps to relieve stress, listening to this kind of sounds can help in a great way to reduce stress, therefore many opt for this kind of sounds or images.  In my case these videos help me a lot when I can't sleep, sometimes I don't even feel when I fall asleep.

Last but not least, boredom is something that many of us go through lately and it has a lot to do with our mood, lack of distraction or not doing interesting things to do, listen or watch, so we decide to watch videos like this one. People see it because they have nothing to do such as: they don't go out anymore or do activities that they used to do. Lack of interaction between people is also another thing why people get bored and choose to watch videos on youtube.

To sum up, this type of video help us a lot in different ways by its soft sounds, different sounds with the mouth and whispers that can cause an effect of relaxation to the body and so feel at the time of listening and also gives a false sense of personal attention.




viernes, 22 de octubre de 2021



Welcome back to my blog!! :)

This week we talk about the organization that we must have when creating our outline, it is important that we always keep in mind that everything must have an order so that everything is understandable as best as possible, also add a new type of prewriting technique that is clustering that help us to have a better control of our ideas. And finally discuss about the transition and connectors commonly use in Cause-Effect Essays for example: 

- As a consequence

- As a result

- In addition to, etc. 

For this week, we will work with both method again, but in this case using clustering method, so here you have my Cause and effect essays.  


1. Narrowing:

    General: The causes of animal mistreatment.

    Specific: Common reason why people mistreatment and hit animals.

2. Prewriting technique 


3. Thesis statement:

Nowadays many people all over the world mistreat animals and hit them in a way that takes advantage of them because they cannot defend themselves and for different reasons: To pleasure or profit, Psychological problems and lack of education or knowledge.

4. Outline


-          Thesis statement

-          My experience and opinion

-          Other people’s experiences


P1- To pleasure or profit

-          Some people only do it for money or because of economic problems.

-          Others do it for hobby or to see them suffer.

-          Or just revenge.

P2-   Psychological problems

-          Most of them do it because they feel anxiety or stress disorder.

-          Intimidates other people.

-          For hatred that he keeps in his heart.

P3- Lack of education or knowledge

-          Animals necessity.

-          Lack of respect.

-          Grow up in families or settings where violent behaviors develop.


People who mistreat animals in my opinion are the worst people in the world, animals never seek to be mistreated, hated, on the contrary they give their love to people regardless of their social conditions, and why they instead of receiving love receive hate, beatings, etc.


1. Narrowing:

    General: The effects of technology in education

    Specific: How technology help student´s learning process.

2. Prewriting technique


3. Thesis statement:

There are positive effects of technology that nowadays help students in their learning process and help them acquire new knowledge and skills.

4. Outline

-          Thesis statement

-          My experience in my learning process


P1- Access to internet

-          Student´s can find a big amount of information in websites.

-          Student´s can find articles, audio-books, tutorials, videos etc, to help them up to increase their learning process.

P2- Innovation

-          Currently student´s do not need a classroom, now they have computers, cellphones etc, to live their classes.

-          Technology provide students different methods and techniques to develop their classes.

P3- Efficiency

-          Online or digital communication.

-          Homeworks, documents and files can be sent by links, e-mail and they do not need Physical documents.


Technology have a power impact in our learning process because help us to improve our knowledge and have news tools such as computers and hand held devices, and so have a better experience technology.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021


Hello my readers!

Welcome back to my blog!!! 

This week we start a new register, where we will learn many interesting topics that will help us to improve our compositions. In this time we learned new types of essays, the cause and effect essays and two new methods that we help us to create our outline. FOCUS-ON-CAUSES METHOD and FOCUS-ON-EFFECTS METHOD.

For this week, we will work with both methods. So here is my short part of my cause and effect essays.


1. Narrowing

    Topic: The causes of divorce

    Specific: Why do parents get divorced?

2. Prewriting technique


        - Infidelity and jealousy

        - Lack of communication between them

        - Constant fights

        - Bad economy

        - Crisis (lack of employment)

        - Repressed emotions

        - Sometimes they fall in love with other people

        - Lack of compromise

        - Incompatibility

3. Thesis statement:

Nowadays many couples are getting divorce for differents reasons, those include: Personal problems, Lack of love between couple and Social factors.

4. Outline


-       Thesis statement

-       Background, my opinion about divorce

-       Why they do that?


P1- Personal problems.

-       Infidelity and jealousy

-       Lack of communication between them.

-       Constant fights

P2- Lack of love between couple.

-       Repressed emotions

-       Sometimes they fall in love with other people

-       Lack of compromiso

-       Incompatibility

P3- Social factors

-       Bad economy

-       Crisis (lack of employment)


Our parents get divorce for many reasons why sometimes we do not understand or do not know, but what we do know is that they do it because they do no longer love each other or because there is no longer that spark in them that motivated them in a moment to take that step.


1. Narrowing

    Topic: Stress impact on health

    Specific: How stress can affect your body health?

2. Prewriting technique


        - Sleep problems

        - Headache

        - Fatigue

        - Muscle tension or pain

        - Exercising less often

        - Angry outbursts

        - Drug or alcohol misuse

        - Lack ofmotivation or focus

        - Anxiety

        - Sadness or depresion

3. Thesis statement:

Most people are unaware of how stress can bring them closer to death.

4. Outline


-       Thesis statement

-       My opinion and experience about Stress


P1- How it affect your body.

-       Most of them suffer of fatigue and have some sleeping problems

-       People must of the time suffer from headache and muscle tension or pain

P2- How it affect on your behaviour

-       Exercising les often

-       Angry outbursts

-       Drug or alcohol misuse

P3- How it affect your mood

-       Lack of motivation or focus and or depression in most of the people

-       It cause anxiety


            As we know Stress is a natural and mental reaction that we have all gone through at some point in our life, but with help of some healthy techniques we can manage the stress that we accumulate in a given time. 


miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2021

Midterm 02

 Hello my readers!!

Welcome back to my blog!!! :)

Today we had to take the English composition exam in which we were tested on topics we had studied before like the point by point essay and the subject by subject essay in which we have to choose one of them, using a technique to organize our ideas like venn diagram and chart. So here is my composition. 

Outline: Point by Point Essay

Fast food or Home cooking, Which is the best?


Purpose: Which is the best?

Paragraph n°1: PREPARATION

Point 1: Fast Food

-       You don't have to worry about preparing your food

Point 2: Home Cooking

-       You prepare your own food the way you want to prepare it

Paragraph n°2: INGREDIENTS

Point 1: Fast Food

-       Restaurants tend not to measure the amount of spices when cooking.

Point 2: Home Cooking

-       You can control the ingredients when cooking and add any other ingredients of your choice

Paragraph n°3: PORTION

Point 1: Fast Food

-       Restaurants already have the exact measurements for serving the food

Point 2: Home Cooking

-       You are free to eat as many portions as you want.


To sum up, both fast food and home cooking are good

Fast food or Home cooking, Which is the best?

Have you ever asked what is better, eating fast food or preparing your own food? As we know food in our daily life is fundamental for our health, that is why it is important that we eat in the best way, that is why I would like to share with you some aspects in what I consider important for you to observe that it is better to eat, the fast food prepared by restaurants or prepare your own food to your liking.

First of all, Food preparation is essential for many people, since the most important thing is that the food is safe to eat. In the case of fast food you don't have to worry about preparing your food, because the restaurants prepare your food and the food you have chosen to eat. Regarding the home cooking you prepare your own food the way you want to prepare it and make it the way you want for example if you want to add vegetables etc. So my recommendation is that you prepare your own food because it is better and cheaper.

Second, Ingredients are very important in our meals as they are the ones that give the flavor to the food. In fast food, restaurants tend not to measure the amount of spices when cooking, so sometimes the meals are too salty or lack salt, in other cases they need other species of condiments. On the other hand in the home cooking you can control the ingredients when cooking and add any other ingredient of your choice and in the same way when cooking your food you can add or even remove if you decide to do so. Also here in this case is better home cooking

Last but not least, the Portion is something that everyone takes into account and looks for when eating their food. In fast food, restaurants already have the exact measurements for serving the food, so in most cases there are people who do not fill up and stay hungry, however there are people who do not mind asking for something extra in their meal like desserts or something like satiating their hunger. Regarding home cooking you are free to eat as many portions as you want and you have no limit to serve you the portions of food you have prepared, but they take care that you do not exaggerate so much in the portions and thus avoid stomach pains among others. For me it is better to eat your own food to enjoy the portions you want.

To sum up, both fast food and home cooking are good, but there are differences in which one is better than the other, such as portions, ingredients etc, so tell me which do you prefer, fast food or home cooking?


viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021

Evaluation 2

 Hello my readers!!!

Welcome back to my blog!!!!!!

This week we need to created a Compare and Contrast Essay, Point by Point OUTLINE, I decided to write about Smartwatch or Traditional watch, which is better for you? because I think that this product everyone use every day, so I worked with a Venn Diagram. I hope you enjoy my entry!

Outline: Point by Point Essay

Smartwatch or Traditional watch, which is better for you?


            Purpose: Which is better for you?

Paragraph n°1: Price

Point 1: Smartwatch

-       Tend to be more expensive

Point 2: Traditional watch

-       Are more accessible to buy


Paragraph n°2: Design

Point 1: Smartwatch

-       Come with big screens, made of rubber


Point 2: Traditional watch

-        Only show us the time, made of leather



Paragraph n°3: Battery life

Point 1: Smartwatch

-       Fast charge


Point 2: Traditional watch

-       A single charge


Both have the same function that show the time and date




Smartwatch or Traditional watch, which is better for you?

Seeing the time or the date is something that everyone does every day at all hours of the day, while walking,waiting for someone and even eating, but have you ever asked yourself what is the best option or the best watch to see the time? Currently technology is evolving faster than we imagine and every time many accessories for daily use are going on sale that help us to make everything easier and more practical, such as the smartwatch. So now I would like to share with you some aspects that we must take into account between Smartwatches and Traditional watches. 

First of all, Price is something that everyone looks at before buying an article, because sometimes some products tend to be a lot of expensive but others tend to be less expensive or sometimes depending of the material of the production, but in this case smartwatch tend to be more expensive because they have some functions and features that makes them more expensive to produce, for example they have GPS, touchscreen, etc. On the other hand traditional watches are more accessible to buy because they tend to be less expensive, so that means making it easier to own.

Design is something that catches everyone’s attention; the first impression of a product leads people to acquire it regardless of its cost, brand, etc. Smartwatch come with big screens, which help to see the time better, some are usually made of rubber, which for some people these designs do not stick to them since they do not like products of that material, but in general they are easier to use and help in various activities such as counting steps, performing calculations, among others. But in the case of the traditional watches they only show us the time, and most of them usually have clock hands and are usually made of leather.

Battery life is essential for a watch, because without a battery it cannot perform its time telling function. Smartwatch tends to fast charge just like a smartphone and its charge usually lasts about a full day or depending on its use, compared to traditional watches the battery is a single charge usually lasts around 2 or 3 years, so there is no need to worry in case one day the time will stop or if it is correct.

To sum up, both have the same function that shows the time and date; the moment to choose one, depends on the person and what suits them best, but which watch is the best, the smartwatch or the traditional watch?



Concluding entry

 Hello my readers!!! Welcome to our last blog!!! Hello my readers, as you may know this is the final entry of this blog and likewise of the ...